Excerpt from my current research on #PD #mobile #youth #justice dissertation, ethnography, mobile, race, stop and frisk, technology, TXT CONNECT, youthtara l. conleyAugust 4, 2013 Comment
Court-involved youth and social meanings of mobile phones court-involved youth, dissertation, ethnography, mobile, participatory design, technology, youthtara l. conleyJune 23, 2013 Comment
Transcribing data on a Sunday afternoon ethnography, mobile, participatory design, technology, TXT CONNECT, youthtara l. conleyJune 23, 2013Comment
The First Family and Their Cell Phones mobile, youthtara l. conleyJanuary 26, 2013barack obama, cell phone, malia, michelle obama, sashaComment
My NCA Statement on Feminism and Communications education, ethnography, gender, Internet, race, technology, youthtara l. conleyNovember 15, 2012conference, NCAComment