Conley, T.L. (April 2015) "Will the police see my text?" Tracing the mobilities of 'vulnerable' youth as sites to be (un)seen.
Conley, T.L. (December 2013). Tracing the Impact of Online Activism in the Renisha McBride Case.
Conley, T.L. (October 2013) Millenial Manifesta.
Loeb, S. (2012, November 2). From Katrina to Sandy: How the Internet Spread the Word.
Conley, T. L. (2012, August 29). The Women Virtual Volunteers of Hurricane Katrina [pdf].
Conley, T. L. (2012, June 4). The Women and People of Color Who Invented the Internet [pdf].
Conley, T. L. (2012, May 21). The Pinterest Problem [pdf].
Conley, T. L. (2012, October 26). To Live and Die in Social Media: What We Can Learn from Amanda Todd and Felicia Garcia.
Conley, T. L. (2012, November 1). Honored to be part of the 2013 HASTAC Scholars Cohort.
Conley, T. L. (2012, July 23). Beyond Stereotypes: Media Literacy Program Helps Black Males Challenge the Media.
Conley, T. L. (November 2007). Virtual volunteers: Hurricane Katrina’s impact and women’s resolve at Media Justice and Feminist Futures, Albany, NY.
Conley, T.L. (2021). Hashtag archiving. Uncertain Archives. Agostinho, D., D'Ignazio, C., Ring, A., Thylstrup, N.B., and Veel, K. (Eds). MIT Press.